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9 Simple Food Swaps For Lowering Your Daily Calorie Intake

Food swapping is a super simple strategy that allows you to make healthier changes to the way you eat. By changing one food per day, you can gradually increase the amount of low-calorie, nutrient-dense foods you consume. Try these 9 easy swaps to replace unhealthy foods with more nutritious alternatives.

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How To Burn More Fat While Walking

A lot of people look at walking for exercise as a preamble to running — as if it’s only something you should do if you’re not in good enough shape to run. That is simply not true. In fact, not only can regular walking reduce your risk of a host of chronic diseases, but it also helps you sleep better, lose weight and tone up.

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Skin Care

4 Surprising Foods That Help To Protect Your Skin From Sun Damage

It's no secret that years of sun exposure can severely damage your skin. If you don't take care of yourself, your skin can age prematurely from UV-induced inflammation, oxidation, cancer development, and the breakdown of your collagen fibers.

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What The World's Longest-Living People Can Teach You About Healthy Eating

The Japanese people have one of the lowest rates of obesity worldwide. They also have one of the highest average lifespans, at over 85 years. What's the secret behind their amazing health? The answer boils down to nutrition and eating habits. Here are some key lessons from the Japanese that all of us can learn.

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9 Superfoods That Turbocharge Your Metabolism

One of the best ways to ensure weight loss success isn’t to starve yourself and ignore all cravings. It's making sure you’re eating the right foods at the right time, preferably something that’s lower in calories and loaded with healthy nutrients. These 9 foods are a perfect starting point.

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Feel Tired All The Time? Eat These Foods To Boost Your Energy Levels

Do you regularly feel tired and sluggish throughout the day? Do you find it difficult to concentrate for long periods of time? One of the primary causes of low energy levels are eating habits — not only what you eat, but also when.

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