9 Superfoods That Turbocharge Your Metabolism

One of the best ways to ensure weight loss success isn’t to starve yourself and ignore all cravings.

It's making sure you’re eating the right foods at the right time, preferably something that’s lower in calories and loaded with healthy nutrients. These 9 foods are a perfect starting point.


These healthy wholegrains are rich in soluble fiber, which gives them a low glycemic index.

If you have diabetes, raised cholesterol or you are aiming to lose weight, choosing foods with a low glycemic index is known to be beneficial. Not only that, but they are a good source of B vitamins, magnesium and manganese, all of which support a healthy metabolism and help to maintain the strength of your bones.

Even if you aren’t a fan of porridge, oats can be sprinkled over fruit and natural yogurt as an alternative breakfast option, and can also make their way into a range of recipes for baking.


Oily fish such as sardines are the ultimate superfood. These fish are among the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which help to promote a healthy heart and circulation, as well as improving your mood and brain function.

Sardines are also packed with selenium, a mineral that supports antioxidant enzymes, which protect your body from attack by free radicals that otherwise cause cell damage.

You can eat sardines by themselves, or alternatively you can use them to make fishcakes or incorporate them into pasta dishes and salads.

Canned peaches

Fruit doesn’t have to be fresh to be good for you, as canned peaches demonstrate so well.

These orange fruits are bursting with beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the body and plays an important role in the health of your eyes. Beta-carotene also has antioxidant activity and supports your immune system to effectively fight off infections.

Research has additionally shown that, surprisingly, canned peaches are higher in vitamin C and folate than their fresh counterparts.

Canned peaches make a healthy addition to desserts, but you can also blend them with fruit juice or low-fat milk to make superfood smoothies.


Like other dried fruits, raisins are rich in phenols, a type of antioxidant that offers protection against free radicals. They are also a good source of iron for anyone who doesn’t eat meat, helping you to prevent iron deficiency anemia.

Raisins additionally make a good choice if you are looking to increase your intake of potassium, which counteracts the effects of sodium, aiding good blood pressure control.

These raw superfoods can simply be eaten as a snack on the go or you may prefer to add them to cereal, yogurt, baking or salads.

Canned tomatoes

Canned tomatoes are possibly the best source of lycopene available. This antioxidant has been shown to reduce the risk of prostate cancer in men and may also improve heart health. Their low calorie content also makes them great for weight loss.

Canned tomatoes are very versatile, so you can serve plum tomatoes on toast or use chopped tomatoes as an ingredient in soups, sauces and stews.

Superfoods don’t have to be expensive exotic foods. There are many common foods that can be found in your kitchen or your local grocery store that supply plenty of nutritional benefits. Add these five superfoods to your diet to help you lose weight and stay healthy.

Greek Yogurt

Yogurt is traditionally considered a breakfast food, but Greek yogurt is a great replacement for yogurt with any meal, especially as a snack.

One of Greek yogurt’s advantages over regular yogurt is its higher protein content, which helps you feel full longer after eating, as well as maximizing the nutritional value of the calories you’re ingesting.

Greek yogurt is also packed with probiotics that help maintain a healthy digestive system as well as high levels of calcium and potassium. Best of all, Greek yogurt is a good canvas for a variety of flavors — mix it with honey or fruit for a sweet treat or spices and vegetables for a savory snack.


Carrot sticks might sound like the stereotypical boring snack, but their health benefits are undeniable. Carrots are a good source of several nutrients, including vitamins A, C, and K, and their high beta-carotene levels provide a fantastic boost to the immune system.

Additionally, the combination of a low glycemic load and a high density of fiber help to regulate blood sugar levels and maintain a healthy digestive system. If you have too many childhood memories of being forced to eat plain carrot sticks, dip them in hot sauce, hummus, or deli mustard for a more flavorful snack.


Eating food that’s both calorie-dense and high in fat might seem counterintuitive if you’re cutting calories, but almonds are a healthy exception to that thinking for a few reasons.

First, the fat in almonds — most of which is monosaturated — can help to keep hunger at bay. Second, almonds are an excellent source of vitamin E, manganese, and magnesium, along with smaller amounts of many other essential minerals.

Lastly, almonds have been found to help lower bad cholesterol levels while maintaining good cholesterol levels. It’s important to be mindful of portion size with food so rich in calories, but in moderation, almonds can deliver a rich amount of nutrients and promote a feeling of fullness.

Hardboiled Eggs

Eggs are a great source of protein relative to the number of calories they contain, and hard-boiling turns them into a perfect snack for a busy lifestyle.

Hard-boiled eggs will last for a week after cooking, so they can be prepared every weekend in a matter of minutes, but last for several days of snacking. Along with high protein levels, eggs contain a good deal of vitamins B2, B6, B12, and D.

There are a variety of healthy snacking options to explore. These four foods are among the best choices, but don’t get stuck in a rut — try mixing it up with other types of nuts, vegetables, and protein-rich foods to aid in losing weight.